Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 9 of the 30 Day Challenge

Day #9: Tell us about your day in detail.

Let me start by saying I am sorry to bore you with this post lol. My days are pretty routine and boring when I am not in school. I do not enjoy summer break very much after the first few weeks. I enjoy a small break but the whole summer just give me to much time on my hands.

My day started around 9:30 when I woke up. After I woke up I got into a shower and then cleaned the house. At around noon I had lunch. I started watching Switched at Birth on Netflix while I had lunch. I then made a cake and continued to watch my show. After I cleaned up my mess from lunch and making a cake I played on Farmville 2 for a bit while continuing my show. Around 4 I started dinner so that Rey could eat dinner when he got home around 5. Rey has to get up at 2 to be at work at 4 am so I like to have dinner ready when he gets home so he can eat right away and get an hour or so of relaxing before he has to go to sleep. After he went to bed I cleaned up our dinner dishes and the finished the last episode they had of Switched at Birth on Netflix. So all in all I had a good but not very exciting day. Now the problem I have for tomorrow is what show should I start on Netflix lol. Do you have any suggestions?

Although my days are boring I appreciate them. Rey works very hard to provide what we have and I appreciate that I have the luxury to sit around and just watch Netflix due to his hard work. I love you Rey and thank you for everything you do.


  1. That is awesome, see it is the little things that matter and to remember to be thankful for!

  2. Boring days can e ok, but I do my best to avoid the whole day being boring :)
