Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 6 of the 30 Day Challenge

Day #6: Tell us about your pets, the ones you've had and lost.

To be honest I haven't really had many pets. I've only had two long term pets. Bubbles and Tyler. I will get to them in a bit. I don't currently have a pet but I would absolutely love to have a dog. I am in love with pugs. They are just so adorable with their bug eyes and their scrunched faces. Unfortunately, my boyfriend and I don't really see eye to eye on the whole having a pet issue. Pets are a huge responsibility and take a lot of time. I understand that but I just cant help myself. I want a pug so darn bad. Rey has very valid points and I have to agree with him. I am at school at least 3 days a week if not more and Rey works all week. So I guess it really isn't fair to have a pet we can't devote more time to. Well, now that I have way over explained that, I will get to the pets I have had.

When I was younger my parents had a dog that had puppies. I adored the runt and named her kisser, because she loved to give kisses. It didn't last long though because by the time I got home from school all the puppies including kisser were gone. I am still mad about that lol.

The next pet I can remember having was a lop eared bunny. It was an adorable little thing. It was so fluffy and cuddly. The bunny didn't last long either. It ended up getting loose from its cage/box. So as you can see this was kind of a trend. Pets didn't  last long with me.

That brings me to my cat Bubbles. I got her when I was in high school. She was a beautiful white cat with gray spots on her body and a gray tail. My cousin and I picked the cats out together. She got a male and I got a female. Walter and Bubbles. I had her for a few years. what I am going to say next is going to make me sound crazy but I swear I am not. Our neighbors had a male cat named Sammy and he had 6 toes on each of his front paws. Well, believe it or not, Sammy and Bubbles liked each other. He used to come to our screen door and just meow and meow until she went outside with him. Bubbles ended up having one kitten. All white with 6 toes on his front paws. I remember how cute his walk was. It was like watching a wind up toy, one paw in front of the other. I named  him puppy. Yes, I know it was weird, but that is just how I am. Unfortunately Sammy ended up disappearing. It happened to a lot of the male cats in our neighborhood. One day they would be there and the next day they were gone. The same happened to Puppy. As far as Bubbles goes, I honestly don't remember what happened to her. It kind of makes me sad that I don't remember what happened to her but remember all those other details. That brings me to Tyler.

I didn't have another pet until I was like 19. I was living with my grandparents at the time. One day we were in the front yard with the gate open and a super cute black Chihuahua mix came in the yard to get a drink from the sprinklers. I had seen him running the neighborhood a few days before and knew he was a stray. I couldn't help myself.  I gave him food, water, and a bath that day. After that he was just mine. Here is a picture of my grandpa, his reindeer Chihuahua Rascal, and Tyler.

Tyler had a limp when he wandered in the yard so me and my grandmother took him to the vet. Turns out his leg was broken at one time and it didn't properly heal so he would always have a limp. That just made him special to me. Tyler was my baby. I took him places with me, bought him things, had my grandparents watch him while I was gone. He became family. Eventually we got two more dogs and they became family. When I moved away I took Tyler with me and he wasn't the same dog. He was sad and didn't like it. His whole personality changed. It was liked he missed the other two dogs. When I moved back he was so happy to be with the other dogs again. He was like the old Tyler. I knew then that I couldn't take him with me when I left again. So he became my grandparents dog. I mean he was still mine while I was there but we all knew I couldn't take him away from the other dogs. So once again the trend continues. Maybe I am just not meant to be a pet owner. 

Do you have any pets? If so, how many and what kind? If not, why?


  1. Desiree, it sounds to me like there's a lot of unsettledness in your life right now. You're busy learning and experiencing new things, which is all good. But I have to agree with your boyfriend. Having pets is a big responsibility and if you're not available to watch over them, care for them and be there for them, it is best left until your life becomes more settled and you are able to be the best pet parent you can be. Clearly, you have all of the love and caring in you, but a person can only do so much!

    That being said, I, myself, am more of a cat person. There are lots of reasons for it, but one in particular is that I'm very independent and prefer a pet who is the same. If you have a couple of cats, they can manage without you for a few days, if necessary, while dogs require more attention on a regular basis. Cats will go off and do their own thing, so they understand when their humans do the same.

  2. My grandma is a cat lover and they are more independent. Having a pet is going to have to wait. One day I will get a pet but that day wont be for a while. Thank you for your advice.
